Monday, February 1, 2016

Long time, no blog

Long time, No blog

Boy, its been a while since i've done this, the whole blogging thing. Feels like forever ago, how time flies. My sons are growing, at what seems faster than ever. The house is always in a state of chaos, I cant seem to catch up and keep it in order anymore. I quit trying to really, its a waste of energy. Its like trying to hang your laundry out to dry in a raining thunderstorm. Pointless. Not to mention how I'm always feeling bad, either my endometriosis is flaring or ive got some other issue going on. Its hard to be productive these days. My husbands working a lot, his business has been doing great and we are so very grateful for that, it can be stressful at times but we know its nothing that we cant handle, especially with God on our side.

The days seem longer in the winter and when its colder outside I find it hard to be energized lately. I pull most of my daily reactiveness from the weather, if its snowing all I wanna do is watch out the windows, build a fire in the fireplace I don't have and snuggle up and watch movies all day. Rain? Nothing, its a guaranteed lazy day, that's easy. Sunny days tho, I want to clean and be on my feet and feel accomplished. There's not many sunny warm days in the winter. Go figure. I feel like i've lost my peppiness and bubbly personality here lately. And I'm sure it shows, I notice it. Out of my groove you could say. We all get in slumps now and again and I'm definitely in one. I feel like I'm whining, and I hate that. So no I'm not whining, just letting things off my chest. I don't like putting my emotional faults on my husband, he works hard and wants to come home and be comfortable, surrounded by peaceful thoughts and a happy atmosphere. I wish I had been giving that but so far 2016 been horrible, for me anyway. I feel like my mind is falling apart. I'm always tired, cramping or hurting or just plain exhausted.

My sons keep me busy and I know that's a part of being a mom. You never really get rest, even at night I just cant seem to get those 8 hours of sleep, uninterrupted sleep. Its all mind over matter, and I try to be as positive as I can but here lately its been harder, harder to get up, harder to smile, harder to look in the mirror and like who I see. I need to get back into my Bible studies, I know that's a BIG part of where ive been failing. I always feel uplifted when I'm in His word. Always. Just praying that soon, things will turn around. I know they can, and will. All things are possible with Christ. (Matt 19:26) So that's where I leave you, on a higher note at least a little encouragement for today. Until next time.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's the holiday season

Well what do you know, its already that time of year. The baking and kitchens gets crazy,shopping gets moved forward on the to-do list and of course; the stress levels elevate. Its the holiday season! Thanksgiving is just a few days away, are you prepared? I have a short list of things to bake this year. Im doing a ham, first one yet; broccoli and cheese and the ever so loved rolls. Short list thankfully! What all are you preparing and what are some of your favorite dishes you look forward to having this thanksgiving? I know I look forward to sweet potato casserole, the turkey of course and desserts! Oh yum, I love pie! And just as soon as its here it will be gone and Christmas is the next big thing. Have you done a lot of shopping yet? What are you planning on getting for your kids, your husband or wife? Ive got my sons stuff all picked out and in lay away! Yay, we draw names on thanksgiving to have gifts easier to do and afford. Pretty great to do when you have a great big ole family. What are some holiday traditions your family does? I cannot wait to hear all of your feed back and I pray that your thanksgiving is wonderful and full of memories and blessings!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hello Fall

Today is October first and not only has it welcomed Fall but it also is the 1st day of my son being 3! I am looking forward to this weather and all the festivities that come along with it. We plan on taking AJ to the pumpkin patch, make some cool desserts with mommy, and apple cider for the first time. I wanted to try and be "impressive" and make a homemade pumpkin pie last year. HA! until i looked up the recipe lol it was so difficult I gave up before I even finished reading the directions!

Maybe we'll also be able to go on a hayride and a corn maze (which i havnt been to) yea ever, I hear there a lot of fun! AJ would enjoy it of course! What are some of your family traditions for Fall?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Love of a child

As my son grows physically and emotionally so does his love. I've noticed how each and every time I come to pick him up after a day of work he hugs and kisses me more than ever. He says "I love you mom" and pop kisses me at least 10 times a day. I love it. I love how he always seems to smell like cookies and dirt. (the smell of boys im guessing) He can play with trains quietly or throw soft baseballs at my face and bust out in laughter. He counts to 15, knows his colors, and loves to talk about everything. His 3rd birthday is coming up and I cant believe it. Asking him to go outside is like offering a huge comfortable bed to me when Ive only had 2-3 hrs of sleep. Its an over excited emotion. An obvious yes, always. We played out with the water hose, ate popsicles, played with some left over sparklers, and caught lighting bugs when it got darker. I love this age and I know im going to miss it very soon. In a few years he'll be a pre-schooler, before I know it he'll be driving and graduating college. Just the thought scares me to death. It seems like only yesterday I found out I was going to be a mother, 3 years has come and gone so fast. No matter how big he gets I know I'll always have those special memories of when he was small, a baby opening his eyes for the first time, to when he started to crawl, walk, run, talk, count, to amaze me. I love my son and he loves his mommy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


So not much has changed in the past few months, everything is still great though. We are talking of selling our house and looking for something with a little bit bigger kids rooms. Ajs room and the guest room is a little smaller than we'd hope. But we had initially planned on flipping our first home so it's still up in the air about what we're going to do for sure. Ajs almost 3, which is just crazy. He's so smart, he remembers everything and he's become a little comedian. I just love him more and more each day! Me and Tony have talked about having another so thats exciting! He is of course wanting another boy. (men) lol Ive been ready for a while but it's all about compromise and Gods will. I was sad that I miscarried but God has a plan and im just waiting to see it unfold. Im at a loss now what to write about really, lol so I guess im going to end it here! :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

On the Radio

As I was driving somewhere the other day, the location unimportant really I was listening to my favorite radio station (J103).There was a pastor on one of the infomercials and he asked a very good question that has stuck with me the past few days. He asked "Are you a Christian or are you a disciple? God only mentions the word "christian" in the Bible 3x but the word "disciple" is mentioned 259x. God doesnt want you to just be christian to look and act that way but to be a disciple for Christ." As I sat and pondered over what he said it made me sit and think. He made a very good point. There's a lot of "Christians" in the world, but I bet if all the Christians were video taped for a month straight maybe half or less than half would be "christ-like" for that month. Would they read their Bibles? go to church? Tell others about God? Give to the poor? Say positive things to co workers and family? Would they pray? There's many days I dont do these things but I know im a christian right? Well we're striving to be the wrong thing, we need to reach out our hands to higher goals and a higher calling. Be a disciple. What is a disciple though? Disciple means a 'follower' of Jesus helping to spread the good news of Christ; an active follower and believer! Not only do we need to proclaim to be Christian, thats a good thing but we need to show that we are disciples. Spreading Gods love, His laws, His promises, His life story, and most importantly salvation! So have you been striving to just get religion? To be on someone's calling list or prayer list but you have no idea who this God is? Well the Bible can tell you! Get it out, read it, and study study study! If you have trouble doing it reach out, join a study group, have someone check on you daily to hold you accountable to make sure you do read whether it be your spouse, mom or dad, sister or brother or a friend. Our days get so 'busy' with tv and computers and cell phones how ever will we find the time to fit in God? Well I think if we can sacrifice a few hours, i mean minutes a day to use Facebook I think we can manage to read our Bible for at least an hour! Im talking to me here to ya know. I am guilty of this one! So now let try to stand up tall, get rid of this fear to throw a life preserve to the lost and drowning in the world and pull them in for Christ, I mean thats why He made us. He's waiting for you and me to make that move to bring in another. You remember how sweet it was, how wonderful and beautiful it was to meet God for the first time when u prayed Him into your heart. Don't you want that joy for others? For that friend you work with or that uncle who cusses like a sailor? Or maybe its your mom or dad? Even if they reject you or I a seed is planted (Gods promise) and let ne tell you God promises to work on their hearts. They WILL NOT forget your words! And dont forget to pray for them either! Prayer is still working ya'll. I've seen it in action and praise God He still listens! So dont give up, take up your cross with Jesus and keep going! He did for you!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

For sure

So not much has happened in the Vecchio house. My moms been sick off and on lately and she's had a catscan and MRI but she wont get her results in til the 4th of April. They'v mentioned it to might be multiple sclerosis but they cant be sure. AJs getting smarter by the minute. He now says "duh" after every funny remark he makes. I said to him jokingly one day last week and he says it to me ALL the time! His 3rd birthdays coming up in 6 months! wow! Cant believe that. My bdays coming up in may. Ill be 23. That doesnt seem real either. Times going by so fast! I've also made a new best friend. Im glad Gods brought us together. I think she needed me just as badly as I needed her. It's nice to have a gf to talk to about anything without being judged or questioned. We get each other even though we are completely different! We are hoping to be able to take a family vacation this summer but we will have to see what God brings til then. We've def been blessed and He takes care of us daily. Ive been trying to do a study each day and that helps me and keeps me right minded. When im out of the word a few people know it. lol Thats what God says though, to stay timid and patient and right minded it's good to be in the word. It renews our mind, patience and intentions each day! And it def does. Tony and me are doing good as well. I think I love him a little more each day. And yeah we fight but its always over something dumb like dirty clothes in the floor or me singing too loud while he's watching tv! lol But we make it through and come out stronger through each one! Im just waiting and watching for Gods next move for my life. And i'll gladly take each step with His hands guiding me on. Sometimes not willingly but He always gently pushes me like a child making sure I know He's there!