Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jan. 8

Really enjoyed cleaning up our church today. Me and Tony got to cut up and joke around. He helped me out with mopping and sweeping (stuff he doesn't do at home :P) and we had a few good laughs. My church means a lot to me and it should to anyone who attends church. I have been going there for about 11 years. My grandmother loved our church too, she'd always be there to help clean or assist in anyway she could if she was well enough. Many Sundays I have felt loved and appreciated and when I miss church I regret it. We always get blessed and feel the holy spirit on Sundays! There's just something about singing for God that I just love. I have always loved to sing but once I started to sing at my church, that was a completely different emotion. I felt uplifted, like I had a purpose. I was meant to help lead and point others to Christ through music. And what a joy it is! And believe me, not every Sunday do I want to be up in front of the congregation, I don't want to always sing and sing "praises" because believe or not im not always happy! But once the songs are over, people have prayed, and the preacher comes up I feel refreshed! My lifes not perfect, haha, far from it most days. I yell when im frustrated, I throw clothes around when I cant find anything to wear... I whine and complain about stupid things. I mean how can u always go through the day happy and without a bad thought? Hmmm u cant, so no one think I do because your mistaken! lol Very much mistaken. But I dont carry my burdens, I lay them down and give them to God. I have learned over the last few years that nothing is accomplished from being negative and grouchy. God doesn't want you to be miserable He gave His son to die on a cross for you, for ME! When you look at the big picture, well lets switch it back to 1st person, when I look at the big picture I gotta repent cause I have acted so selfish.

There are days now I do admit that I am in a great mood, where it goes perfect and i just smile and forget about all my problems. But is that a bad thing? HA no!!! :) I wish I had weeks at a time like that... God wants us to be happy not just in our life but in spirit!

Psalm 68:3
But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.

Its not all about material things its about family, contentment, salvation, hope, faith, love, forgiveness, and many more things! God is good, all the time!


Michelle Sipsy said...

I have to remind myself of the big picture a lot, the little things can wear you out! lol

Unknown said...

Yes they sure can!