Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh no, more snow?!

Well the weatherman called it, as much as I really didnt think it would happen it did. We got about 8-9 inches of snow! As beautiful as it is it has caused me and Tony to miss work this week! We missed 3 days last week because of my grandmother's funeral and burial. So we were already behind with bills and money! Well then wouldn't ya know here came snow! So now we are officially 2 weeks behind :( Im not really worried though thankfully our 1st house payment isnt until Feb. So we have all the small bills to pay in 2 weeks time. Hopefully we are busy at my work and I make enough tips to suffice a few bills. God's in control and He always comes through somehow every time! I have faith we can do it because we've seen worse times! But we stayed with my aunt 2 nights and we really had a good time. Played a lot, watched movies, and napped a few times. I got to catch up on my missed sleep ive had. (That was prob the best part) So pray for us that we can meet our bill quota this month lol Something tells me we will... I'm pretty confident! :P

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