Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A little bit of this & that

Well its almost here and I am feeling anxious, excited, nervous but most of all thankful. We will be home owners Friday, December 3rd 2010. Wow.

Well any who off that subject I've just been carrying around a load of emotions lately and opinions I wanted to release. Feel free to express along with me or just share your views on it. (which ever) I can't believe its only 23 days til Christmas. It has come so fast I remember when it turned to spring and me sitting around anxious about Christmas coming and here it is! Before we know it 2011 will be here.
I made a new years resolution last year that i def didn't keep but for a few weeks (like most people) to eat healthier and lose a little unhealthy weight. Well im still the same size I was a year ago. At least I havn't gained weight but I am still down about not losing any either. What have I been doing all year? I am so used to just eating whenever and whatever and before I get pregnant (if i do) I want to be 10-15 lbs lighter than I am right now to keep from gaining more than 155 lbs! I was 120lbs when I conceived A.J. I am currently 148. Thats almost 30lbs! Yikes! To me I dont think i look that much bigger than I was but there's no way i can fit into my old clothes so obviously I am it's just proportioned evenly. So I am hoping to start a diet of some sort, cook healthier food, eat less fat and consume less sugar. (my weakness)

I am having trouble finding a paint color to do our living room. I dont want to do a brown or tan because our couch will probably be a brown color (our new couch). So I was thinking a light yellow or maybe a blue? Idk we are hopefully going paint shopping sunday or monday evening. The whole house has to be primed (inside) before we can apply the colors.

I think the thing I am most excited about other than getting a house of course is my new washer and dryer. I might enjoy doing laundry for a few weeks lol We also found out we wont have to pay a house payment til feb. So thats awesome.

God has truly blessed us this year and we are so undeserving.

Off that subject now I guess the other "emotions" I mentioned earlier would be just certain things people have said or things I have heard over time about certain things. I dont agree that its ok to down someone who doesn't agree with the same kind of mothering tips you do, or if you clothe diaper or if you dont. Or whether or not you give your kids tylenol or u want a water birth with no drugs. I had a wonderful labor and delivery and YES I had an epi, and YES i was induced and it went great! I think its all about personal choice and opinion no debate needed. Simple. lol Not to mention my son happens to be extremely healthy and smart to top it all off. (proud mom here) Id do it all over again if I had to. I would probably choose not to be induced again unless needed.. bc I wanted to have that experience of my water breaking it being a surprise!

College- hmmm why do I keep putting you off? I always knew as a teen I would go to college and man I have been so lazy about it. I seriously just get so sketchy about it when I try to plan it out, I think to myself ok yes I want to be a nurse Ill do that then ill change my mind again and say no no a teacher thats a way better job for me but there I am again doubting myself. I think I just get so discouraged about my capabilities that I feel like im stuck self-consciously. In Highschool I never studied, always had good grades. but the few months I did go to college it was so much more. I think I was overwhelmed. idk... But I am hoping and praying that God just open a door and a career that He has planned because something has got to change im 22 years old and I need to start MY career. I love being a mom and being home and maybe by the time I do get my degree AJ will be in school or pre K anyways! So maybe after the house gets settled and we get everything situated and done I can start on finding myself again and get out there. I just have to put my trust in God and hope for the best. He will show me the way.

But all in all its been a great few weeks. The stress of our renovating will prob set in quick we have SO much packed into the next 5 days that im sure come monday Tony and I will be exhausted. His goal to have done from friday-sunday night is to have all the flooring ripped up and out (kitchen/dining, living room, hallway, 3 bedrooms.) new floor installed (hardwood) in the kitchen & living room. Then install the base cabinets in kitchen because our counter top guys will be coming monday to measure for the counter top! Phew, what a load. lol Not to mention cleaning, trips to the dump and store, driving to Marietta to gt the cabinets, and go to buy all the supplies! Wish us luck and pray we dont kill each other LOL


Samantha said...

Hey, hey, I have never downed anyone for not cloth diapering. I hope that wasn't geared towards me as I don't know anyone else who does except a friend in Dalton...I do go over my own pros and cons of both and even offer links to sites and have even loaned out some for trial...As for Tylenol,there is a time and place in my opinion but I do agree it is choice and like all parenting and family choices in the end it only matters what is best for you and your own family.

Unknown said...

oh no sam def wasnt geared towatds u at all! i have a few fb mommies that coth diaper none of them push it on people or anything just something that gets talked about often, lol

Samantha said...

Okay :-) Well it is something I enjoy talking about too! LOL! It really helps save money...and outfits! Jeff looked at me yesterday when I was changing a diaper (jacobs) and said "Has he ever had any leaks?" AndI was like...No come to think of it! LOL! Stephen had had so many leaks and explosions (poops) by the time he was 4 months...And Jacob hasn't had one yet! I love it! Anyways...I guess you are sick of hearing about it...I kinda get bumbed out that I don't have someone to share experiences with...and advice about cloth diapers...well unless you cunt cloth diaper boards on the internet....
On another note, Congrats about closing on the house!!! How exciting!!!

Lilly said...

I totally feel you. People seem to think their ideas are the only ones that count. The believe the know best from everyone. Okay, if it worked for them, great but bottom line is the mother of their own child is the only one what is best. As long as the child is born healthy, and grows healthy, happy with tons of love what does it matter if it was an all natural birth or not.

I was put down for not breast feeding and for having a c-section. Totally not my fault because I had no control over if the c-section was needed or not. I had to have it done. Or maybe the doctor didn't care enough to let the labor progress by itself and I kept getting drugged because of it; oh well, I'll never know. I couldn't breastfeed because I didn't start lactating until she was 4 weeks. Big deal! We know what is best for our children, and if them wearing a clothe diaper makes them smarter or brighter, WELL I just set her back. She's smart, anyway. Does clothe diapers don't teach and make children any different than the ones who wear "normal" diapers. In reality, little things like that don't matter.

As for AJ, he seems to be a perfectly normal, healthy, happy child. Does the other things matter? Nope. Regardless of those peoples opinions, you have done a wonderful job.

Hahaha...okay so I just kept writing. I just despise people who criticize others because we don't do things the way they say they should be.

By the way, I'm so happy for you. Woo, I bet knowing that soon you'll be owning your own place is the best feeling in the whole entire world.